July 15, 2020

A loss for Manus

Dr Gabriel Kulwaum, The Nature Conservancy, shares his work from ...

Ah sore...Dr. Gabriel Kulwaum...a loss for Manus! He did his PhD at the University of Queensland with his thesis titled 'Problems of devolution in Papua New Guinea education' in 1995. I remember when I was in high school at ECOM, he was a dedicated school Board Chairman.

One day he came to school and found that the students in one class were making a lot of noise and he went in to investigate. He found that the teacher had just left to find buai/smoke at the nearly village. Dr. Kulwaum quickly took his vehicle, went to the village and literally chased the teacher back to the classroom.
When students faced disciplinary actions during weekends he would interrupt the school assembly on Monday morning and lecture the whole student body: 'hamaspla haus yu buildim pinis na yu laik marit? Hamaspla kanu yu sapim pinis na yu laik wokim family? Hamas spia botol yu stretim pinis na yu laik pait? Hamaspla saman blo kanu yu pasim pinis na yu tok yu man?'

I salute you for the fact that you impacted the lives of Manusians for so long in so many areas of their social and cultural wellbeing. My sincere condolences to his family.

July 10, 2020

Oh sumatin laif....

Oh sumatin laif!!..Taim yu stap sumatin lo high school or secondary school or college or university, nogat man bai luksave long yu. Sampla taim bai yu nogat soap, towel, bedsheet or matress. Yu bai struggle igo inap yu pinism skul blong yu. Na taim yu holim wok olgeta man bai kam na tok 'Oh that's my son' or 'That's my daughter right there'.....oh PNG, yumi sa win tru yah!...lol