April 24, 2014

Never get angry with a.....

Sharing some thoughts about the PNG workers especially when it comes to Anger Management…seriously im bored tonight…lol

· Never get angry with a policeman….the sight of a car fanbelt in their hands alone is enough to change your story

· Never get angry with a nurse…inserting a cathetha is a basic nursing procedure

· Never get angry with a teacher….its their duty to be ALWAYS right

· Never get angry with a fireman…..their fire fighting axe head has two sides

· Never get angry with a soldier…… they have a weapons armoury at the barracks

· Never get angry with a receptionist…..you could catch the phone on your head

· Never get angry with a bus driver …..going 100 miles per hour down the highway is just him showing how much inadequate you are!

- Never get angry with a magistrate......a 'contempt of court' ruling is never far from his grasp

- Never get angry with a plumber..........they could just reverse your household sewerage system 
Ok that I've written this and read it over, Im almost laughing myself silly imagining how each situation would present itself...hahahahaha

I should be heading to bed now. ....Cheers you all and catch you on the other side of tomorrow

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